Here’s a link the article in Communicator magazine

We’ve uploaded a copy of an article that’s just been published in the latest edition of Communicator magazine to our website: What we can learn about technical communication from historical sword fighting and aikido instruction manuals. It’s slightly “off topic”, but still, we hope. an interesting read. The article mentions illustrator Oscar Ratti. Here is a… Read more »

What can Star Trek tell us about the future of technical communication?

It’s amazing how much of the future technology in Star Trek has already become reality. The computer tablets used by the crew in Star Trek Next Generation seemed almost fanciful when we first saw the show, but, by next year, it’s predicted the majority of US households will own a tablet. So what other technologies… Read more »

Technical Communicators and their Websites

I’ve just written a new post for the STC’s Notebook blog on Technical Communicators and their Websites. We look at some of the challenges and decisions technical communicators face when designing a website for their business. To help illustrate this, I included some examples of technical communication companies’ websites, including our own.

Please take part in our brief survey on technical communications training

Please take part in our brief survey, and share your thoughts on training courses relating to technical communication: Cherryleaf Training Survey There are eight simple questions, and it should only take a couple of minutes to complete. It will help us understand what training technical communicators want, in order to improve their skills. Thank you!