I met up with a Technical Author at the Technical Communications UK 2013 conference whom I’ve been talking to on the phone over recent months. She’s been trying to convince her bosses that they should take a less chaotic approach to producing user documentation. I’d previously suggested she look at how much it was costing… Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
Planning user documentation when you are a startup business
Here are my slides from last week’s Technical Communications UK 2013 conference, called “Planning user documentation when you are a startup business”:
Reflections on Technical Communications UK 2013 conference
I got back from the Technical Communications UK 2013 conference (TCUK) late last night. It was a very enjoyable and well run conference (again), where I often wished I could attend all three of the parallel sessions running each hour. Here is a slightly disorganised reflection on the conference.
This October: Dr. Tony Self’s DITA training courses in London
Dr Tony Self is coming to the UK at the end of October, and we’ve arranged for him to deliver two training public courses on DITA whilst he is over here: DITA XML – Basic/Intermediate training course – Tuesday 29th October Planning DITA projects – Wednesday 30th October Tony is the author of The DITA… Read more »
Are your user manuals (and any other content) ready for Google Glass?
Google Glass, a wearable computer with a screen above the right eye, goes on sale in 2014. Glass is almost certainly going to be used to support maintenance and repair calls, providing technicians (and other types of user) with the ability to access manuals and discuss situations with remote colleagues. So are your user manuals,… Read more »