News roundup

Here’s a summary of recent activities: We have a client looking to engage a technical editor for a three month contract. We have a client looking for an undergraduate (or recent graduate) to spend 6 to 8 weeks as a paid technical writer intern this summer. We’ve a client looking for information on applying Net Promoter Score to… Read more »

Atlassian no longer lets users comment on its documentation – good or bad news?

Last week, Atlassian sent out this message on Twitter: We’re changing our documentation platform, including closing comments. Read more and learn why — Atlassian (@Atlassian) April 14, 2015 This was a surprise, as Atlassian has been a strong advocate for having user comments appended to user documentation. Sarah Maddox, when she was working at… Read more »

What is technical communication, actually?

As a technical communicator, sometimes it can be hard to explain to others what it is you do. In the olden days, it was simpler: you could say you wrote manuals. Then, in more recent times, you could say you wrote online Help and manuals. Today, there can be uncertainty of what is and isn’t technical… Read more »

A 2015 book list for Technical Communicators

Two years ago, we asked which books should Technical Authors read, and we received some great responses. It’s always worth revisiting this topic, so please let us know what we should add to this list: Author Experience: Bridging the gap between people and technology in content management; Rick Yagodich Best Practices for Technical Writers and… Read more »