We asked Technical Authors to complete a survey into the issues and challenges they face in 2016 and beyond. There were four main themes that stood out: Issues around working in an Agile environment. A need to develop skills in creating training screencasts. This included how to use tools, structuring and presenting content, and the ideal… Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
How to create online Help topics that are editable by clients
In the Agile Technical Writers forum on LinkedIn, one of its members posted this question: “I need to create an contextual online help for an complex web tool (ok, that´s not that hard). The customer must be able to add some specific job instructions to this online help by himself. The customer part must not be overridden when the… Read more »
Can you explain a hard idea using only the 1,000 most used words?
Theo Sanderson has created the Up Goer Five Text editor, for you to see if you can explain a hard idea using only the 1,000 most used words. This was inspired by the XKCD book and cartoons.
Being Agile in technical documentation – Part three
Two years ago, we wrote a number of posts, and an Adobe-sponsored whitepaper, on Agile and its effects on technical communication. This topic was picked by others, including Sarah O’Keefe and Mattias Sander, who made further suggestions. We thought it was time to revisit this topic, and expand on some of the issues raised. In Part… Read more »
Being Agile in technical documentation – Part two
Two years ago, we wrote a number of posts, and an Adobe-sponsored whitepaper, on Agile and its effects on technical communication. This topic was picked by others, including Sarah O’Keefe and Mattias Sander, who made further suggestions. We thought it was time to revisit this topic, and expand on some of the issues raised. In Part… Read more »