Our next policies and procedures writing course will be held on Monday 11th April. Discover how to create clear and effective policies and procedures. This course teaches your staff how to write clear and effective policies and procedures, in a straightforward and efficient way.
Cherryleaf Blog
We’re moving training venues
After three happy years of using 50 Princes Gate in South Kensington as our training venue, from April 2016 we’ll be moving our courses to One Savoy Place, London WC2. One Savoy Place is located between the Savoy Hotel and Waterloo Bridge. It has recently undergone a £30 million refurbishment, and it is easily accessible by… Read more »
Adapting to change in technical communication
Technical Authors work in a profession where they must be able to adapt to changes in the technology sector. Often, the changes relate to the outputs they need to create or the authoring tools they use, and most Technical Authors adapt quite easily to the new situations. However, sometimes there are also changes to writing styles or the… Read more »
Ellis to speak at the University of East London
Cherryleaf’s Ellis Pratt will participating in a panel event that forms part of the University of East London’s Freelance Week. The panel members will be speaking about their experiences and offering advice and tips to current students thinking about freelancing. The event is on Thursday 18th February at the university’s Docklands Campus.
Our next advanced technical writing training course will be on 22nd March
We’ve just scheduled another of our Advanced technical writing & new trends in technical communication training courses. “Discover the advanced new writing styles emerging in technical communication by attending Cherryleaf’s popular training course. Don’t get left behind: past clients include technical communicators from Citrix, GE, IBM UK, Lloyds Banking Group, Sage plc, Schlumberger, Tekla and Visa International.”… Read more »