This Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) has today accredited our £175 Technical author basic/induction training course. As this is an independent assessment of its quality, we’re delighted to have this course accreditation.
The ISTC’s reviewers provided us with a lot of feedback. This was more than a paper exercise and Technical Authors are never shy in making suggestions and comments to their peers. In light of some of the comments, we’ve tweaked some of the copy on the Web page . We’ve explained this is a course for people working in IT, rather than those working on planes, trains and automobiles type projects. They also picked up that we’d mentioned “Agile” and “User Assistance” in a module without explaining them – a fair point. There were other discussions, such as, should we have mentioned any documentation standards? If so, which one?
The course modules remain unaltered, although we have useful suggestions to implement whenever the course is revised.
My names is Anna and I live in Australia.
Am I able to do this course in Australia and if so how long would it take to do?
Also, if I have any general questions regarding writing procedures – am I able to send you an e-mail?
It’s an online course, so if you have web connection you’ll be able to do the course in Australia. The course takes as long to do in Australia as it does in Europe 😉
If you have questions then email info at cherryleaf com