Involved in user documentation? Then please take part in the Cherryleaf user documentation strategy survey 2011.
It aims to take a strategic look at user documentation, looking at aspects such as the purpose and value of (and future trends in) user documentation. By user documentation, we mean user guides, online Help, web based Help, screencasts and other forms of user assistance.
There are 33 short questions in this survey, and it should take about 5 6-7 minutes to complete.
All replies are confidential.
Thank you for taking part.
Some very interesting questions and I look forward to when you publish the results. However, I think one would be hard pressed to answer all the questions with due thought in about 5 minutes.
yeh i too believe 5 mins is a little short, even just considering all the questions in that time is overwhelming.
Really looking forward to reading the results when they are published. The survey took me about 7 minutes to complete. Hope you get plenty of feedback.