Support call cost reduction calculator

We’ve added a simple online calculator to the Cherryleaf Web site for calculating the potential savings in support costs derived from having online Help.

See our Support call cost reduction calculator page.

We’re also developing a more comprehensive spreadsheet to help you measure the value of documentation. Contact us if you would like a copy.



Be good to see a write up of this in more detail, how do I calculate the lifespan of my documentation?

Very handy though, already sent this on to our Support Manager (and from the grumbles across the desk he’s already looked at it 😉 )


>How do I calculate the lifespan of my documentation?
Simple way: Look at how long of the product it is describing is on sale, or how long the organisation will officially support the product. A more complicated way is to factor in the cost of maintaining documents that have a long “shelf life”.

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