Are you a freelance Technical Author/Writer/Documentarian?

We’re looking to extend our network of freelance Technical Author/Writer/Documentarians with whom we can work. Sometimes, we use what we call Associates on projects. Sometimes we also have clients that want to hire a contractor for a fixed period of time.

We’re seeing an increase in enquiries about:

  • Writing content for APIs/developer portals
  • Checking the API calls and code samples on a site are correct
  • Creating tutorials for developer portals
  • Improving the clarity and flow of API-related content

Some of these will come in, some may not. At this point, we’re in the planning and preparation stages.

Our preference is to work with people who are on the same timezone as us (or our customers), so that means you should be in the UK or mainland Europe. We do have some clients in the USA, so that location may also be an option. In the UK and the USA, you need to work via a limited company. This is for tax reasons. Rates vary depending on the customer. Our project work is typically done remotely. Clients that want to hire a contractor often want that person to work on site, at least for 2 or 3 days per week.

If you think we should know about you, then contact us via

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