No one yet knows what impact Brexit will have on how UK businesses operate. It seems very likely that the way they export will change. There is a good chance there will be forms to fill in, and other steps to complete, in order to get goods, services and people across borders. This will mean policies and procedures will need to be amended, so that staff carry out these steps in the correct way.
While we do not know yet what those changes will be, organisations can take steps today to ensure they’ll be able to change their policies and procedures documents quickly and easily. They can also start work on having information that is easy to understand and find.
This involves making sure it’s clear who is responsible for each step in the process. You may need to provide a description of the whole process as well as the individual steps themselves. You might also need staff to understand changes quickly, so web or video based content might be better than PDFs or printed manuals. As is often the case, a modular approach to writing may be the best solution.
See also: Policies and procedures writing services
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