New AI demonstrations added to our technical writing course

We’re excited to announce new demonstrations in our “Using Generative AI in technical writing ” e-learning course. These additions showcase practical applications of AI in documentation workflows.

Latest additions

The latest additions are:

  • GitHub documentation analytics: Generate comprehensive release notes by analysing changes in documentation repositories
  • Repository insights: Create detailed reports and summaries from GitHub/GitLab issues, helping teams understand documentation workload distribution and focus areas

Existing course highlights

Our course continues to demonstrate powerful ways to use AI in technical documentation:

1. API Developer Relations content made simple

Transform OpenAPI/Swagger files into engaging DevRel articles and blog posts

2. Content extraction and analysis

  • Extract and synthesise product specifications from multiple PDF sources
  • Convert video walkthroughs into structured user guides for apps in development

3. Smart documentation updates

  • Monitor GitHub/GitLab code commits to identify needed user guide updates
  • Ensure documentation stays synchronised with code changes

4. Personalisation features

Customise chatbot interactions and responses for individual user needs


The course provides hands-on experience with these tools and techniques, helping technical writers streamline their documentation processes and deliver better content faster.

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