Customer confidentiality and NDAs mean that we’re rarely able to announce the completion of a project. So we’re delighted we’re able to do this for the Mathspeak project.
About the project
The Mathspeak project aims to provide non-native language speaking students with the means by which they can do maths better. When students study mathematics in a foreign language, the language itself adds layers of difficulty to something that is already abstract and opaque. Research shows that students don’t perform at mathematics as well as they could. This is because they need words and grammar to discuss and understand the mathematical terminology, such as the functions and operations. The target groups are students at secondary school, or in further education, who have intermediate and pre-intermediate levels of competence in a foreign language.
The activities within the project will lead to the development of the following results:
- Mathspeak course – teaching vocabulary and language structures characteristic of maths books and maths lessons.
- Mathspeak course e-version – course accessible through the computer either to be used with teacher or by students alone
- Mathspeak teacher’s book – including ideas and guidance for teachers as how to use the course.
Project website:
Mathspeak course e-version:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project partners
Cherryleaf Ltd – Brighton, United Kingdom
Idris Education Limited – Luddenden, United Kingdom
Danmar Computers – Rzeszów, Poland
Viva Femina – Rzeszów, Poland
Colegiul ethnic “Ioan C. Stefanescu” – Iasi, Romania
2nd High School of Serres – Serres, Greece
Instituto Superiore E. Mattei – Fiorezuola d’Arda, Italy
PGO Ruse – Ruse, Bulgaria
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