We’re planning to have some new laptop stickers printed. We’ll give them away to anyone we meet, or post them to anyone in the UK who’d like a sheet.
Here is the draft design:


What do you think of the designs? How could they be improved?
I like the idea, but could do a bit better with the color choices to be a bit sexier.
Still, a must have for this writer!
Thanks John. We’re having three designs printed. We’ll see what the colours look like when they arrive.
There are three venn circles for the classic tech writer/TC, not only 2:
– tech / product knowledge
– user knowledge
– writing / comms skills
That is an interesting point.
Technical Authors assume they know their users, but there’s very typically little research carried out to test and provide this is correct. Usability testing of the content, and analytics, are still uncommon. In some companies, the documentation team aren’t allowed to talk to customers. The writer often has to assume they themselves represent a typical user.
That’s unfortunate. One way to get to know your users is to watch the posts in the support forums, on social media, etc. or to be embedded there if that’s allowed (as you mentioned there’s a silo effect here).