On Dara O’Brien’s Science Club (BBC 2) this week, neuroscientist Dr Tali Sharot explained “Optimism Bias”, suggesting that our brains may be hard-wired to look on the bright side.
Here is her TED presentation on the Optimism Bias:
Nearly everyone is optimistic they will never get divorced, and they are an above average driver, when statistically that’s just not possible. It seems reasonable to infer that users of software are also over optimistic, believing they are an average or above average user in their ability to use an application.
This has an implication for those developing user documentation and training. It seems likely that most people will believe they don’t need to read the documentation (or receive training) when they actually do.
What an interesting presentation delivered in a amusing manner. Thanks Ellis. BTW as someone who is optimistic enough to KNOW that I do need to read documentation from time to time, I make a good Technical Writer. Of course this doesn’t apply to mobile phone user guides
There’s no such thing as a below average Technical Author