We’ve created a second three minute video, this time on how User Assistance can help you save money.
Simply complete the form below and we’ll email you a link to the video.
UPDATE: You can view the video here
We’ve created a second three minute video, this time on how User Assistance can help you save money.
Simply complete the form below and we’ll email you a link to the video.
UPDATE: You can view the video here
This page is a mess. The submission form is a pain in the A to use, gets obscured with the “bookmark & share” rollover, should not be there at all since this page is a link in a subscriber newsletter and the video should just be there to view, and when the email does arrive, if it does, the link to the video “download” is broken or otherwise does not work.
I suggest that usability and user centricity begins at HOME!!!!!!!!
Steven’s effectively discouraged me from even trying, since I only had slight hope the video would be useful to me, and he’s made it sound like more trouble than it’s worth. Just FYI, in case you’re keeping track. (Besides, I wasn’t really keen to “sign up” for all the spam I was expecting to get in addition to the video — I assume that’s why you’re requiring registration.)
In light of Steven’s comment, we’ve removed the bookmark button.
We didn’t provide a direct link and we requested registration primarily because we wanted to track and then blog about the different levels of interest between the two videos – whether people would be more interested in making money or saving money.
There are no follow up emails set up to go out after the link, although we generally add all subscribers to our newsletter mailing list. We really don’t want to send stuff to people that don’t want it, and any unsubscribe requests are honoured. If you’re only slightly interested in saving money or making money via User Assistance, then you probably shouldn’t watch the videos.
The link to the video “download” was tested prior to the mailing. We don’t know why the link isn’t working for Steven. Steven did did also comment that he’d requested the link multiple times, but he’d only received 1 email. That’s a function of the email responder system we use, and other similar systems we might add. We got the information to Steven, in the end.