Our second free Cherryleaf webinar is for people who are considering recruiting a Technical Author. Among the things we’ll cover are:
- What are the key skills to look for in a Technical Author?
- What are the key personality traits in successful Technical Authors?
- What is the salary range you should offer?
- Where do you find good candidates?
The webinar will be held on Tuesday 17th August 2010, at 10.00am British Summer Time (09.00 GMT).
The event is free, but registration is required. Places are limited to 50 delegates only.
Use the widget below to register for this webinar:
See also our first webinar 27 July – Delivering user documentation in a downturn
How long does the widget take until it stops loading? I cant register.
We’ve had a quite a few people register, so it is working. It might be struggling under the load.
It was appearing immediately when I looked at it at 9am.
It still doesnt seem to be working Ellis. Can you register for me or am I too late?
Thank you Ellis. All received. 🙂
Will this webinar be recorded? I really would like to see it and I registered, however it will be at 4AM my time on a day that I have a client event.
Probably – for a nominal fee.