Training course on Twitter and the Social Web: Developing a strategy for technical authors

We’ve just relased a new training course that explains where the Social Web, and Twitter in particular, can fit into the world of the technical author/writer.

Originally delivered as a presentation for the prestigious User Assistance Europe Conference 2009, it has been extended and converted into a training course, containing videos and demonstrations of software applications, to help it all make sense.

You also get access to the full 37 minute, transatlantic video interview we recently conducted with Anne Gentle, author of “Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation”, where we talked about The Social Web for Documentation.


Ivan Walsh


I think this is a great idea, though I’d suggestion changing the price to USD rather than STG.

You’d be surprised how many potential sales you’ll lose by using a non-US currency.

I know this might seem like a small detail but to non-Europeans this may/will be a stumbling block, ie one moment’s hesitation and they hit the Back button…

Just a suggestion.



Sage Pay spits up an error if we set the price in dollars, so I’ve quoted the price in both £ and $.

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