Call for input: Next Generation of Microsoft Help Platform

The following was posted on the STC Member Forum, under Online Help.

Microsoft is planning the next-generation Help platform and we are soliciting input from STC members. If you or someone in your organization is responsible for designing, developing, planning, or managing user assistance systems, we WOULD LIKE YOUR FEEDBACK. We want to gain a deeper understanding of how we can help you develop the best possible systems.

The following are some examples of user assistance systems:

* A help system you build for your own products
* A Web site for self help
* A modified or standard Microsoft Windows Help or HTML Help system

We are interested in the user assistance technologies you’re using now (whether or not they are Microsoft technologies), what features are important, and what you would like to see in the future. Your input will be a resource for future planning of Windows client- and web-based user assistance development platforms and tools, as well as the Help system.

If your job responsibilities include user assistance systems, please use the following link to take the survey. It takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Please also forward this survey to others in your organization who are responsible for user assistance, whether or not you take the survey.

The survey will be available through Wednesday, December 13, 2006.

If you have any questions, or would like to provide feedback after December 13, contact:
uasurvey (at) microsoft (dot) com

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