On Friday, I was at the STC Region 2’s conference in London. I thoroughly enjoyed being a delegate rather than a speaker, for a change. I bumped into a lot of people with whom I’ve swapped emails or talked to on the phone. It was good to catch up with Paula Berger as well, now an STC bigwig, who I’ve known for many years.
One of the main themes was how to manage requirements which keep changing. Technical authoring companies (like Cherryleaf) seemed to have this buttoned, but the speakers who were within organisations were saying they really struggled with this. One of the other highlights was Patrick Hofmann’s presentation on wordless manuals – very good.
I’m hoping to put together an audio diary/podcast on the conference, which I’ll upload to the Cherryleaf Web site for people to download and listen.
Was there anything announced from adobe at the cnoference?
Nothing from Adobe. Madcap were showing version 2 of Flare, and they had details on three new products.
It’s a shame that Flare V2 is still quite buggy to use in the “real world”.
Perhaps Adobe is in Stealth mode. With the dead wood out (i.e. the Madcap folks) – (canadian) dollars to (jelly) donuts, the next version of RoboHelp will blow Flare out of the water. Any takers?
J. Smythe