It was Cherryleaf’s fourth anniversary (or “Cherryversary”, as our Director of Training called it) over the weekend. The past four years have flown by, with many new opportunities and markets appearing in that time.
Over the weekend, I received an email asking some very interesting questions. I’ve listed these below, together with the answers.
1. What kind of clients and customers are you looking for?
Clients that need to describe to their users (or staff) how to do key tasks. These are often developers of software needing online Help, user manuals or training guides.
2. What markets are you looking to develop?
Our main markets are the UK and the rest of Europe. We deal mainly in software, IT, financial and oil sectors.
We are also rolling out electronic products to offer to our prospects in India, USA, Canada and Australia. We are interested in talking to anyone who has e-books or e-courses related to writing, technical documentation etc. and wants a new channel to market.
3. How can I help market your services and/or products?
You can help by connecting us to anyone who might have a need for our services.
We’ve also written a self-study training course called “Network to Get Work”. We’re interested in talking to anyone who might want to be an affiliate for that (i.e resell it) or might want to licence it as a classroom course.
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