Will Microsoft’s Vista delay benefit RoboHelp?

Microsoft has put back the launch of its next operating system, Microsoft Vista. Corporate customers are promised it in November 2006, with the retail version due in January 2007.

This is unlikely to have earth shattering consequences for technical writers, but it is likely to affect some of the Help authoring tool vendors. For Adobe, in particular, who are busy recruiting programmers to restart development of RoboHelp, it gives them an additional six months breathing space to come up with a version that supports Vista.



If Adobe can get some fresh blood, RoboHelp will blow Flare out of the water.

Flare V1 is a nightmare – it should never have gotten past MadCap’s 3 person QA Department. Their 2 person Tech Support Department is another can of worms.

Funny, how MadCap convinced so many folks to shell out money, beta test Flare for them, and help other users.

I also heard from a reliable source, that the original RoboHelp team was laid off intentionally. Dead wood is dead wood.


Can you reveal your source of information? Did you choose this as a replacement for RH, or are you going in a new direction?



I don’t understand your question. The news about the Vista delay was reported on the BBC News Web site.


I understand. The question was not in response to your posting, but rather, to the reply from the source who wishes to remain anonymous.


Flare V2 is worlds better. Remember that the flare team IS the robo team, not just deadwood bits of it.
They know our business far more than Adobe and dont have to use the old kadov and html hassles of robo anymore. xml is the way to go and robo could never be updated to use that fully.

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