Friday, July 18, 2008

How do Technical Authoring teams work?

This looks like an interesting event:

"The next Cambridge ISTC group meeting will be a discussion about how technical authoring teams work:

* how are teams structured (and do all the technical authors in the
business work as a team)?
* how is work divided between authors?
* how do authors work with other people in the business?
* what is successful about that way of working and what are the

We'll hear about the experiences of 5 or 6 people who work (or have worked) in a variety of different contexts (as a contractor joining other authors in a company; as part of a permanent team of authors; as someone for whom authoring is only part of their job).

This will be organised as a relatively informal round-table discussion with lots of time for for Q&A and discussion.

Here are the details:

Date: Tuesday 5th August
Time: 7pm
Venue: Red Gate offices (Jeffreys Building, St Johns Innovation centre, CB4 0WS
More detailed instructions are on"

The event is free and open to anyone to attend, but numbers are limited so please let them know in advance if you'd like to come.

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At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Rachel Potts said...

If you're interested in this event, please contact me on:


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